and some change

  • China 2011 Trip - Day Eight

    2 minute read

    Today (well, technically yesterday) was the start of our trip to Jiuzhaigou and Chongqing. We flew down at ~10am and arrived after a three-hour flight.

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  • China 2011 Trip - Days Five Through Seven

    2 minute read

    Days five and six consisted of us picking up one of my cousins (on my father’s side of the family) from the train stop and venturing around the Olympic grounds with her.

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  • China 2011 Trip - Day Four

    One minute read

    Today was mostly a logistics and planning day. Nailed down our trip down south, went out to eat with a couple of family friends at a Szechuan restaurant.

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  • China 2011 Trip - Day Three

    One minute read

    Today we went to take some professional photos as a family. It took eleven hours. Thoughts: Being a professional model must be incredibly hard.

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  • China 2011 Trip - Days One and Two

    One minute read

    I’m in Beijing, China at the moment, visiting relatives for about two weeks. One of the things that’s struck me is how much the city has changed from just four years ago.

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  • Correlations Without Correlata

    4 minute read

    I recently came across an interesting paper on quantum information theory outlining exactly why superluminal communications via quantum entanglement - so-called “spooky action-at-a-distance” - is impossible.

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  • The Difference Between Politicians and the People

    3 minute read

    One of the most frustrating things about discussing US politics is the disconnect between politicians and “normal people” - whether or not the representatives who are, in theory, supposed to defend the interests of their local constituencies are in fact interested in defending or even aware of these interests.

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  • More Social Norms Stuff

    2 minute read

    Via Matt Yglesias, a new USA Today/Gallup poll finds that the richer you are, the more likely you are to think that the economy is doing great:

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  • New Sheet to the Same Heights

    One minute read

    Er, once in awhile I run into a piece I hear that’s not designed for piano solo. So I arrange it for the solo piano (usually by cutting the heart and soul out of the piece).

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  • The Plasticity of Social Norms

    3 minute read

    I recently had a conversation with my father about income disparity and social mobility in the US. He’s always been a huge believer in social mobility in the US - you know, the belief that if you work hard, you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.

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